5 Best Family Protection Breeds Dogs

 You may be looking for the ideal dog to protect you and your family. Some dogs are naturally trained to guard. Protective dogs will be loyal to you and your family. They are alert, observant, and willing to obey orders. The ideal guard dog will be large, fearless and responsive to training.

A pet can give a home sense of security. Simple as that, having another living and breathing being in your home can add security.

Some families would like to bring home a dog who can guard their dog against unwelcome guests. It is possible but not always easy.

Although it sounds appealing, the concept of protection can be dangerous. Jennifer Hack, a dog trainer and behavior specialist at Dynamic Dogs Chicago, says dogs do not always protect in the right manner. While it is great for a dog to be protective of threats, it is not as good when they are protecting your family members, neighbors or guests. You suddenly find your dog barking at everyone you choose in your life. Dogs can't always tell the difference.

These are 5 breeds of dogs that can be trusted as protectors and companions for families.


Akita Best Family Protection dogs

Akitas can be loyal and are one of the most beloved dog breeds. Akitas were created to protect royalty and nobility during feudal Japan. They are alert and fearless and can be suspicious of strangers. Akitas will always keep watch over your family and you. This breed takes its duty seriously and is usually capable of performing its guarding duties without any training. To improve your dog's skills, you can either train it in obedience or get guard dog training. To prevent aggression or standoffishness, this dog will need socialization.


Rottweiler Protection Dogs

Hack states that this breed is the "classic guard dog," and the AKC notes that, if trained well, the confident Rottweiler can be a good guard dog for families. You don't have to limit the number of jobs they can do, such as herding or carting. You can even make them squat if you tire them out.

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher Protectin Dog

The AKC states that the Doberman Pinscher is intelligent and well-trained. However, it is very athletic, so regular exercise is a must.

Hack states that Dobermans are well-known for their home protection abilities. "One of the greatest things about Dobermans is their intimidating appearance." "I have experienced Dobermans who, even if they aren't looking at me, will walk past people to see the dog.

German shepherd

German Shepherd Dogs

Hack says it chooses this breed "for protection, security and as a pet dog." The German shepherd is my favorite choice.

American Kennel Club describes large muscular dogs as loving family pets, courageous and unafraid and as brave as any police or military dog.


Boxer Family Protection Dogs

Boxers may appear intimidating, which may be why you're looking for them. However, they are an active, bright, playful, loyal, and loving breed. They can also be great with children. Boxers are not meant to be guard dogs. Instead, they can alert their owners to any unusual events in their environment.

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